Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Locating Uranus from Aries - Oct 2020

Locating Uranus from Aries with Binoculars and a little help from the planet Mars in light polluted skies (Oct 2020)

Locate the bright stars of Hamal, Sheratan and Mesarthim in Constellation Aries by looking to the left of a very bright Mars in evening skies.

From Mesarthim, locate Iota Arietis just to the right and then count down 5 lesser bright stars to locate 19 Arietis. If 19 Arietis is in the upper right of your binoculars, then Uranus should be somewhere in view in the lower left.…

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Image may contain: night, text that says 'Sheratan M74 Mesarthim 1 lota Arietis Mars 19 Arietis -Uranus 29 Arietis'